Thursday, August 5, 2010

Desmond Miles

Desmond Miles (b. 1987) is the main protagonist of the Assassin's Creed series and the descendant of a long line of ancestors who swore their allegiance to the Assassin order. He is initially forced to use a machine, called the Animus created by Abstergo Industries– the modern front of the Knights Templar – to relive the memories of his ancestor, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad during the Crusader era, in their quest to locate the "Apple", A piece of Eden

Eventually escaping with the aid of modern day Assassins. Desmond once again uses an improved version of the Animus to explore the memories of his second ancestor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, so as to learn the ways of the Assassins in a much more quicker than normal. In Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Desmond's story will take an "Interesting" turn and will also be changing his look.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (born 1459) was a Florentine noble during the Italian Renaissance, and unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, an influential member of the Assassin's Order. A descendant of Altair Ibn-La'Ahad and the ancestor to both Desmond Miles and Subject 16, Ezio was unaware of his Assassin heritage until he was 17-years-old, when, following the murder of his father and two brothers; Federico and Petruccio, Ezio fled from the Italian province of Florence (Firenze italian) - his hometown - and took refuge in the town of Monteriggoni in the Tuscan region at the Auditore Family Villa.

After being mentored and trained by his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio proceeded on his quest of revenge against the Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the executions of his father and two brothers. During his quest for revenge, Ezio managed to not only unite pages of Altaïr's Codex for the first time since Domenico Auditore, but also to save the cities of Florence and Venice from the Templars' wrath, ensure the future travels of Cristoffa Corombo to the "New World" and bring the Renaissance ideals and Assassin Order to the city of Rome.

Altair Ibn-La'ahad

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (الطائر ابن لا أحد in Arabic) (born 1165) was an Assassin living during the Third Crusade and later became Grand Master of the Assassin’s Order. An ancestor to Ezio Auditore, Desmond Miles and Subject 16 Altaïr was raised to be an Assassin from birth, obtaining the rank of Master Assassin by his twenty-fifth year. However, following his failure to obtain the Apple from Robert De Sable in 1191, and subsequently allowing Robert’s Templar Knights to attack the city of Masyaf,head quarters to the Order of Assassins, he was demoted to the rank of novice and sent on a quest for redemption.

Tasked with the deaths of nine individuals, who unbeknownst to him made up the ranks of the Knights Templar in the Holy Land, Altaïr began a year long quest to change his ways and liberate the Kingdom from the corruption of the Nine. During his quest however, Altaïr learned of a plot far more sinister and worrying than originally believed. Completing his quest to kill the Nine, and cleansing the Order of its treacherous leader – Al Mualim– Altaïr rose to the rank of Grand Master, taking the Assassins into a new, more secretive direction.

The Apple in hand, Altaïr changed the ways his Order lived their lives; writing his fabled Codex for later generations of his family to read. His name would continue to resonate through the Order in later years, greatly influencing the lives of his descendants in years to come